Wednesday, March 26, 2008

CEI Launches National Ad Campaign on the Impact of Al Gore’s Global Warming Policies

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has launched a national advertising campaign, focusing on the threat to affordable energy posed by Al Gore’s global warming agenda. The ads contrast Gore’s energy-consuming lifestyle with the life-and-death need for energy in developing countries.

CEI’s new campaign comes in the face of Gore’s March 1st announcement of a major new set of ads from his Alliance for Climate Protection to promote the global warming issue. CEI’s response includes both a broadcast television ad and related online video.

“Global warming activists warn us about the alleged threats from global warming, but are usually silent about the much more immediate threats from global warming policies,” said CEI General Counsel Sam Kazman, also the ad co-creator. “Restricting access to affordable energy is a sure recipe for increasing poverty, disease and human misery around the world.”

The broadcast ad premiered this morning at a press conference at the National Press Club, and will run in markets around the country over the next two weeks, including Boston, Phoenix, Orlando and Pittsburgh. The ad will also be running in the Washington, D.C. market on cable news programs on CNN, CNBC and Fox News Channel.

CEI previously stirred international controversy in 2006 with a pair of CEI ads on global warming alarmism, which carried the tagline “CO2: They Call It Pollution; We Call It Life.”

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